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October 19, 2020October 16, 2020
10 years later: lawmakers ask what has PG&E changed since fatal San Bruno blast -
Large-scale power outages becoming more common in Northeast
IEA says global energy demand to fall five percent in 2020, effects to last years -
Baltimore fire caused by explosion injures five
Company sued for fatal Texas pipeline blast trying to limit payments to victims -
19 businesses sue American Transmission Company over Madison substation blast -
Gas explosion starts fire near Cincinnati school
Energy companies begin evacuating oil rigs, prep for Hurricane Delta -
Firefighters explain experience of hiding out in emergency fire shelter -
Four people, including three children, perish in New Jersey store fire after gate fails to open
Experts say wildfires can critically damage drinking water -
Special ‘tin foil’ shield new defense tech for firefighters in California
Residents affected in Dubuque blast still not allowed to return home -
Senate approves tougher standards for utilities
Massachusetts power outages leaves students unable to attend remote learning classes -
Weather conditions could lead to further spread of some California wildfires this week -
Gas leak leads to major explosion near Illinois college campus
NASA announces updates on plan to send humans [and the first woman] back to the moon in 2024 – Source Reporter Patrick Reilly
Tropical storm Beta makes way towards gulf coast -
What US and Australia have learned from unprecedented fire seasons as Australia prepares for another