Date Archives
August 11, 2020
Over 500,000 households without power in Chicago area after derecho - Powerful derecho storm tears across Midwest
Companies urging repeal of OH nuclear bailout - Natural gas line hit during work; fire department reports to scene
Coal-fired plant has begun demolishing in Montana
Substation fire cuts off power to thousands in Ohio - Nearly 7,000 lose power after substation fire in Ohio
- Shortage of electrical wire causes fire inside of walls of commercial building
Major infrastructure firms mull purchase of Kansas City Southern Railroad - Battle Creek receives grant for PFAS testing at airport
Lawsuit pending against contactors involved in Deep Rock Tunnel explosion -
Two employees at power plant injured after electrical failure
Three year anniversary passes from the deadly Minnehaha Academy explosion - Home under construction explodes; $425k worth of damage
- Cable explosion kills two construction workers
- Evacuation orders called after large fire at chemical plant
- Gas leak from car causes home explosion in Iowa
Several boats catch fire at Michigan marina - INFICON develops leak detection for lithium-ion battery cells
- Firefighter foam contaminates Menominee River with chemicals
- Project to stop PFAS in Flint River resumes
Transformer fire ignites behind bowling alley; building has no damage
- Ohio nuclear plant at center of FBI corruption scandal
Two firefighters injured in blast at food processing plant